Horse Stallions

Country Marksman

Stallion Profile


Year of Birth


Sports Horse


All Rounder
Show Jumping





15.2hh (157.48cm)


Approved / Licensed with

DNA Health Tests - Clear

CHAPS (Coloured Horse & Pony Society)

CHAPS (Coloured Horse & Pony Society)


Covering Options

Stud Fee

UELN Number

- fresh - chilled -

£ 450

Stands At

Country Farm Stud, Lancaster Road, Out Rawcliffe, Near Preston, Lancashire, PR3 6BN



Country Marksman
Country Top Gun
Honeypot Lorna
Great Grandsire
Great Granddam
Great Grandsire
Great Granddam
Great Grandsire
Great Granddam


His sire Country Top Gun is one of the most proven & best known coloured stallions in the country, a grade B show jumper & Graded Performance Elite by C.H.A.P.S. & B.S.P.A. Country Marksman is the sire of numerous up & coming young performance & show horses.

His Dam Country Spice was bought to show jump but due to an injury has become a brood mare. She is by Lockstock Blue one of the first coloured stallions to produce performance stock, she also has Better By Far as well as one of the best known Sires of show jumpers this century King of Diamonds in her blood lines.

Stetsen his grand sire is one of the top sires of coloured Show horses & his great grand sire Ayyaban was third in the Ascot Gold Cup. His Grand Dam Fidlantia was a grade A show jumper with Prefairy the Champion National Hunt Sire as his great grand sire. All this adds up to a very impressive pedigree over 5 generations proven. His coloured blood also goes back 3 generations.

Performance Record

He had a successful in hand career,  shown and never out of the ribbons, From his first under saddle as a 4yr old he has excelled in the Show Ring. He has Qualified C.H.A.P.S. & B.S.P.A. Finals every year & RIHS Ridden Coloured Championship.

In the Show Jumping ring he has substantial B.S.J.A. winnings, & is now jumping open classes. He has a huge jump with an unbelievable technique which he is passing onto his offspring.

As a 4 & 5 yr old he excelled in SHB Potential Sports Horse Classes winning most he entered.

As a 4yr old he was 2nd in the Horse & Hound 4yr Performance horse class at Birchenley Manor where he gained the highest jumping mark, as well as attaining the highest jumping score in the two W.Y.E.H. Classes he entered.The same year he also  proved how versatile he is at Warrington Show by winning the C.H.A.P.S. UK Ridden Horse Qualifier then 1/2hr later he went on to win the Scope Novice Show jumping qualifier for the Scope Festival of Show jumping.

He is an extremely versatile sire, used on T.B mares & Arab mares he produces Top Class Sports Hoses & Show Horses. yet used on Cob or I.D mares he produces Top Class Show Cobs.

Progeny Information

He produces over 90% coloured foals to non coloured mares.

100% fertility most seasons on both on site and chilled A.I

His offspring are already proving themselves in the Show Ring, W.H., Dressage & Show Jumping with many wins to their credit. They are proving to be Top Class allround Sports Horses who can excell in any & many fields.

His youngstock have gained BEF 1st Premiums in their evaluations.

His offspring are out competing , they have inherited his lovely temperament & are proving very easy to work with.

They are proving themselves in the show ring with many wins to their credit, including wins in Hunter breeding classes as well as Coloured youngstock classes. The first ones are now out under saddle & are already proving themselves in the Show Ring, W.H Dressage & Show Jumping with many wins to their credit. They are proving to be Top Class all-round Sports Horses who can excel in any & many fields.

His youngstock have gained BEF 1st Premiums in their evaluations.

He is throwing a very high percentage of coloured foals, to date over 90% colour.

Contact Details

Stands At

Country Farm Stud, Lancaster Road, Out Rawcliffe, Near Preston, Lancashire, PR3 6BN


Karen Raine





Seller Type



Phone Number

01995 671476

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